The allure of free inventory is all the effort from sourcing is gone, there is no costs of goods, you earn 100% profits. It's hard to withsand for a beginner reseller that allure, it's recommended starting out to sell items you already own or donations to grow captial and use that income to source higher profit items. You get better at listing and photographing. Items start leaving and you feel this weight lift as you let go of some of the things you've convinced yourself you needed for so long. Some afternoons are spent crosslisting, if you cross list. You're out there sourcing. You answer messages about the items and feel proud you ship fast and package with care and do the best for your customers. You start to tell your friends and coworkers what you do. You ask yourself, how can I do this without having to source and it coming out of my pocket? some friends and family might ask you to sell items for them, splitting the profits 50/50. So you agree, because why not?...