In the middle of each month I like to evaluate how I'm aligning with my goals. There's still time left this month to make my November stats. Here is my November Plan with Me post - I did not get the librarian assistant job, but I did apply for the Dry Cleaners down the road. At this time, I am out of stimulus money and reaching into my car savings. I am wondering how to double my profits.
How much money have I made so far? The first week I made $35 and last week I made $93.45. That's a total of $128.45. My goal is to make more than $360.
What Sold - November 1-7
What Sold - November 8-14
I am pushing myself to post videos on Youtube - they are 1 to 2 minute snippits of vlog time since I don't have a SIM card. I have a whopping 29 followers on my youtube.
One of my goals for a few months is to have 300 items on Depop, Mercari, and Etsy. I haven't listed on Etsy because it costs twenty cents to list, plus the fees are higher. I haven't been keen on listing on Mercari due to all the low ballers and unpleasant customers I've had in just the short time I've used it. (Should I do a post on this?) I got my first 4 star rating EVER on Mercari the week my cat died. I'm starting to relate to Honey Rags (a reseller on youtube) who quit Mercari because it brought down her shop's vibe.
I know now to use Mercari as Hyla Brook Book's outlit - books that have been sitting a long time, or that were free, or from hauls where I've already made my money back. My motto lately has been: some money is better than no money.
Tomorrow, I might go back to Rusk County Library and see if i can find more vintage children's books. I have a huge advantage in that I live walking distance and I don't work. At 8:30 on Monday most people can't shop the library sale because they have a job to go to.
Except I've taken more than 200 books, I feel greedy. Even if it is my only source of income and it's a blessing straight from God, I don't want to be the one taking all the books. I still think about other readers who are not trying to resell - readers like me 5 years ago just hoping to find some magic.
while organizing my inventory i realized I didn't pick up any dinosaur books. And I thought about donating my poetry wall art since I have no money to donate.
For the last few weeks, whenever I have downtime, I'll read articles about other booksellers. A Parisian bookstore with no books called Les Puf. A thriving bookstore in Tennesse called McKay's Used Books, Music, Movies, Games. And the Raven Bookstore in Lawrence, Kansas, with bookstore cats and author events.
I would love to add more author events, remember the monthly bookclub I tried to start when I first began my VIP group? There's a lot of good reasons on why I should start a bookclub. Also live chats and write ins with author friends.
Friday was my 28th birthday. This could be the start of a new beginning.
Current # of Listings
Depop = 238
Mercari =208
Etsy = 21
Real talk: I've been having so much trouble participating in life. Not paying attention to my messenger. Sleeping most days. My arm has been hurting since last Wednesday, I think from hauling hundreds of books.
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