It's pretty unbelievable that so much time has passed. During my library sale hunt I managed to collect the Harry Potter series. My beloved copies are all in my childhood home but I plan to reread the series. Today I remembered for my birthday my parents took me to the Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone primier, and from then on it was a tradition to see the movies come out which were around November until the first Dumbledore died, then I recall the movies coming out during the summer. I have a VHS and DVD copy of Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone. When we came out of the movie theater, a reporter approached me and asked me how I liked the movie and complimented me, saying I looked like Hermoine Granger. To a kid with little to no self esteem that meant a lot to me, my hair was fruffy like Hermoine's in the first movie and I also wore glasses. I carried books with me wherever I went.
How much did I make in July? It's August 2nd and I'm taking a look back at my accomplishments. What Sold July 1-7 What Sold July 8-14 What Sold July 15-21 What Sold July 22-31 I made $235.54 selling books. I did my first ever listing challenge and I want to do another one - stricker dead line. List 100 Items in 13 Days. That's half the time it took to do the original challenge. 13 is also the date I was born. A Baker's Dozen. Perfect! When I told Joe at the Post Office I wanted to make $1k or $800 a month he blew a tire and looked skeptical, and he kinda laughed. We both did. Is it such a crazy idea that I deserve this? That at the end of everything, I'll be the owner of a secondhand bookshop. Some cool things I added to my shop: Magic The Gathering Cards, skirts, I opened my Ebay store and added items but haven't completed the set up. Also, my new goal is to make $100 each week by pursuing sales. Offering to likers on Depop which i never do - posting more i...
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