This was a really good challenge - I pushed myself to list more. I'm already thinking of another way to challenge myself - I might do a RE-listing challenge, that might prove interesting.
It took me 26 days to list 100 items from my death pile. These were books that have been sitting for months - one of my goals was to push as many books out. I also took my time - for example, yesterday I was really sick or some days I was only motivated to do one listing. I permitted myself to do that so I could get a general idea of my "normal" productivity levels.
I have very specific monetary goals to make my bookshop Hyla Brook Books my full time job. Ideally I want to be making 5 sales a day. I've been averaging 25-30 orders a month. I need to make 4x's that much. This just means I need to work 4x's harder.
I'm just so glad I'm done!! I felt like this took me a long time, even if I accomplished it in under 30 days. I saw a challenge where you list 100 items in 2 days. Maybe I'll try that with all my new inventory!!

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