I should not have gone thrifting.
I should not have gone thrifting.
I should not have gone thrifting.
I found $6 in my purse and I went thrifting to my favorite place hoping that they stocked the books. The shelves were miserably empty, but I didn't want to waste my trip and went around looking for treasure. Hopefully I can sell one of these items to make my money back from this thrift.
Probably the most expensive was the Tommy Hilfinger skirt. I got it because (1) brand name (2) style (3) back to school occasion. This was $3.
This next piece I'm pretty sure is handmade / DIY but it's lovely. It's a large candle jar with a cork lid, and someone glued a stone gardenia. Gardenias is my favorite flower. It was .50 cents. I don't know if I will sell this because it costs a lot to ship. I couldn't resist for .50 cents.
It's perfect for all my book stickers.
I grabbed this vintage metal tin, a teacher probably used it for cards. It was .25 cents and I planned on keeping it for myself for my Magic Cards.
I wonder if this Winnie the Pooh Christmas mug will do good. I got the mug for .25 cents. Maybe if I can find a cute Winnie the Pooh stuffed toy and book I can make a cute gift bundle.
This plaid wallet had such grunge vibes. It looked fairly new, and it was a Mundi Safe Keeper mini billfold wallet which has identity theft protection. For .50 I thought it would be a small easy flip with school around the corner.
i got myself an ACCO black hole puncher. This was $1 and I need one for my journal projects. Or maybe I'll list it I don't know. Looks like I came out and got a bunch of little knick knacks for me and I'm trying to get better at not impulse buying.
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