I was so escatic when this item sold. I purchased this last year, it is a horse print denim jacket. Very unique. It sold on Depop which is the perfect market for it. I don't remember what I paid - I'm going to say $3 from the Hospice. It sold for $43 Free Shipping. The Depop fee was -4.30. The paypal fee was 2.06. Shipping cost was $5.42. My profit was $28.22. It's too bad that I didn't charge for shipping. The crazy thing was - I had a dream the night before this sold and it sold.
This book sold on FBMP and it was free, I got it from the free little library, I'm so blessed it's down the road. It's called You Can Garden Anywhere. It sold for $6 and buyer paid for shipping. My profit was $6.
I am out of polymailers this week, so I'll have to reorder some soon. Having this job at Subway has been the best, I treat Subway as my best investor. I also started paying myself every other week, one of the best business decisions I've ever made.
We are heading into Q4, I need to knock out a bunch of listings from my death pile. I'v also gotten in the habit of relisting my items on Depop instead of just bumping my items.
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