It's been months since I've bought books! MONTHS!!
I closed my shop earlier this year and packed up hundreds and hundreds of books but you know what? I miss my bookshop. I love shopping for books and I have a talent for finding valuable vintage books. I also can't help but buy my favorite books even if I have copies at home, I can't resist fonts and cute covers and that perfectly sized paperback.
I also want to promote books to raise money for my animals, and then continue doing the work for other fosters. Moo Books was that title I gave, but I see it's more like a slang term. Hyla Brook Books is my official store name, #moobooks are the books that sell for fosters.
12 books. 12 seemlingly random books. Was I planning on reselling any? Any for me?
From the top left to right:
Charlotes Web, The Time Traverler's Wife, 1998 Scooby-Doo and the Haunted Castle
Middle left to right:
Flinston's Blast from the Past, The Glass Castle, The Personality of the Dog, Short Stories of Famous Women, A Dog Called Kitty
Bottom left to right:
Clifford's First Fall (spanish), For the Love of Rescue Dogs, 77 Things to Know About Cats, The Alchemist.
Look, I can explain. Each book is a quarter so for 12 books that's $3. (There's another tiny board book I gave to Aranza, it's Peter Rabbit. super cute tiny orange book.) I do plan to resell the animal books locally, to raise money for these fosters.
1. Charlotte's Web I'm giving away when I write an inscription to my friend.
2. The Time Traverler's Wife is personal.
3. Scooby-doo is a moo book.
4. Flinston's is personal.
5. The Glass Castle is Hyla Brook Books
6. The Personality of the Dog is a moo book.
7. Short Stories of Famous Women is Hyla Brook Books.
8. A Dog Called Kitty is a moo book.
9. Clifford's First Fall is personal, I am trying to learn spanish after all.
10. For the Love of Rescue Dogs is a moo book.
11. 77 Things to Know About Cats is a moo book.
12. The Alchemist is personal.
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